2023 Issue Poll & Message Test

Ballot Measure 302

A measure placed on the ballot via petition asked whether or not the City of Boulder should prioritize the removal of encampments within 50 feet of any sidewalk or multi-use path. Our research sought to understand where voters stood and what their beliefs were surrounding the issue. 

Our point-in-time poll (late Sept) suggested 66% of voters (+/- 2.5%) were in support of this measure. Utilizing our message testing the 'No on 302' campaign was able to close that gap slightly prior to the election where the measure passed by a 61% to 39% margin. 

Part of the effort in this poll was to model the expected off-cycle weighted electorate via 17 different demographic groups. Our post election analysis has shown that our model was off by less than 1% for any individual group. We feel further validated in our ability to predict both total turnout numbers and the makeup of the electorate and assist our clients in creating better targeted election messaging.  

  • Boulder Weekly

    Ballot Breakdown

  • Daily Camera

    “Safe Zones for Kids leads in early results”

  • Boulder Reporting Lab

    “City of Boulder votes to pass Safe Zones 4 Kids ballot measure”